WWII Swiss Army Ski Poles - Vintage

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Vintage Ski Poles
c. 1950s, 20th Century
Leather, Metal
50"L - 5-1/2"Baskets
© Vintage Winter

Usually, we only are drawn to the wooden ski poles, bamboo or hickory cane, etc.howver, this was a great set of METAL ski poles with their original baskets.  These could be super decorative and/or very functional.  Its hard to beat the original grips and leather strap for style. The metal shine will make these poles "jump" off the wall of the cabin, or be the envy of the skiing public when you break them out.  Consider using these to add a little variety in an otherwise wood on wood decor theme. 

Two skiers catching air on vintage skis.
Two skiers catching air on vintage skis.


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